
Sunday, October 20, 2013

For the Love of Peyton….

For most people… today is just another day of football.  But for me- this is a most difficult day of football.  My beloved Colts are playing my new love… The Broncos.

I grew up in Indianapolis.  I remember the Colts leaving in the middle of the night from Baltimore to come to our town.  They didn't come here guns a blazin' and growing up I could pretty much take them or leave them… I went to one game, but never owned anything with "Colts" on it.

Peyton Manning at the Colt's Training Camp
UNTIL… they drafted this QB out of Tennessee named Peyton Manning.  I had already gotten married and moved away, but I loved what this guy was doing for the Colts!  But he wasn't just a great quarterback, he was a good guy!  He gave money to build a children's hospital in Indy, was the first professional athlete to rent a plane and send much needed supplies to the people of New Orleans after Katrina… and countless other acts of kindness...that's when I became a true COLTS FAN.   And being married to a Patriots fan… (Please don't judge me… love is BLIND!!) it was always a rivalry in our house whenever it was Manning vs. Brady.

My sweet boy's announcement photo
So, in 2007, when the Colts were playing the Patriots for the AFC Championship with the winner going to the Super Bowl in Miami… I was a NERVOUS WRECK!  This was OUR chance and it was OUR time!  Now earlier in the day- I hadn't felt very good.  Just a weird feeling… one of those feelings that make you wonder… so while the National Anthem was being sung at the beginning of the game- I was in my bathroom… peeing... on a stick.

POSITIVE was the result… on all THREE sticks.  Aaron was back up at the Navy War College in Rhode Island and I had to call him to tell him.  "Shock and Awe" wasn't just an aerial assault on Iraq anymore… So once we (and when I say "we" I really mean "I" because nothing rattles my hubby) settled down- we made a little bet.  Whoever's team won that night… would get to name the baby.  Crazy?  Yes!  But it's how we roll!

Destined to be a QB...
The game was intense… the Colts were way behind most of the game… but, because God was a Colt's fan and He also knew that I could never truly love a baby named "Brady"… the Colt's came back and WON!!!  They also then went on the win the SUPER BOWL… it was a beautiful start to my unborn "Peyton's" football story.

Holding the Colt's Superbowl Trophy!!!
But then, a few years later… Peyton Manning was injured.  And after several neck surgeries… had to sit out an entire year.  I stood by my Colts because I had faith in Peyton's healing.  But, after that year, Mr. Irsay (the owner of the Colts) didn't feel the same way, and they let my baby's namesake go….

I cried… and cried… Just ask my friend Lauren who I was visiting out in Cali at the time.  Peyton, not a Colt?  I couldn't fathom it.  I secretly hoped that maybe Peyton would retire… only because I couldn't imagine him wearing any other uniform.  But he didn't.  He knew.  He knew he still had some years of professional football in him- and he chose to go to the Denver Broncos.  I hated Irsay (well, let's face it, I still do) and I hated Andrew Luck.  But, I don't hate Luck anymore… I hope that he's the next up and coming QB.  But I had a decision to make.  Colts or Broncos?  It wasn't just about me anymore… there was this amazing little boy in my life who I named Peyton, that I had to guide (and as far away as the Patriots as possible) So, since his name was "Peyton" and not "Colt"… we started buying Broncos gear!  Now, I still love the Colts- and I will root for them everyday of my life…

            except today.


           GO BRONCOS!!!!