Brand new baby Peyton |
5 years ago today... honestly the BEST day of my life. You see, it was five years ago today that my boy Peyton was born. Now, what makes his day of birth the best day, is that when they said “It’s a BOY!” and I held that little guy in my arms, I knew that our Dimmock family was complete! He evened out our team of 2 daughters and 2 sons- and now everyone had a partner to ride with at Disney World!
Birthday Breakfast |
So, I had some fun plans for my little guy’s birthday. Chick-Fil-A for breakfast, shopping at Target for a special toy, seeing Finding Nemo in 3D, playing sports outside, and going out to dinner with the family. Then, tomorrow would be his big birthday party with our friends and neighbors with a big Denver Broncos cake designed just for him...
Strep Tests are no fun |
HOWEVER... he woke up with a cough. Not a regular cough, more like a barking seal. So, guessing that he had the croup I made a doctor’s appointment. We show up for his appointment (which was NOT on my list of things to do today) and discover that he has STREP! Ugh.
Now we were able to go out to breakfast and to Target where he bought a brand new Nintendo DS game as his special present before we went to the doctor’s. His new game is what got him through the doctor’s office because I kept telling him if he was a good boy and if he stopped crying then he could go home and play his new game. He was very brave and managed not to puke everywhere when the nurse rammed the stick down his throat for his strep test.
Brand New Super Awesome DS game! |
So, meanwhile the cake lady calls to let me know his cake is ready for pick up. Crap. The Cake! So, I go and pick up this amazing cake, get back into my car and text everyone that we have to postpone the party until another time due to germs.
Next we go to pick up his antibiotic, which by the way, isn’t ready yet. Peyton says he wants a “long sandwich” for lunch so off we go to Subway. By the time we are done with Subway we go pick up his medicine and head for home. Once we are home I tell him “You can play your brand new super awesome DS game as soon as you take AND KEEP DOWN your medicine (he’s well known for barfing it back up because he hates the taste) So my brave little guy takes his medicine...
NOW! He can play his game, only IT DOESN’T FIT INTO HIS DS!!! I tried shoving that sucker in about 50 times and finally realized... his brand new super awesome DS game... is only for the DS 3D... which of course, he doesn’t have. So the tears start flowing, first from him and then from me. This birthday has not gone the way it was supposed to for even one minute. Now, I’ve already spent $40 on this game and I CAN’T return it because we’ve already opened it. So I do what any half crazed, not thinking clearly, Mommy who just wants her baby to have a great birthday would do and we drove straight to Target and BOUGHT THE DS 3D for the price of a small car payment.
Bronco's cake... now in neighbor's freezer |
Meanwhile, I have to decide what to do with this cake! So, I decide to freeze it until the party... only after emptying my entire freezer do I realize IT WON’T FIT!!! Luckily my amazing friend Robin had room in her freezer to store it in there!
Instead of going out to dinner we had pizza delivered. Peyton opened and loved all of his OTHER presents including a big boy bike. And I’m pleased to say that Peyton is happily playing on his brand new DS as I type this. So while it wasn’t the birthday that I had planned for him, he doesn’t know any differently and thinks he’s had a great day!!
New Bike! |
My little guy taught me some lessons today. Don’t sweat the small stuff, things have a way of working themselves out, and most importantly... if you get sick on your birthday... Mommy’s will buy you even MORE presents! :)
New Jammies + New DS + Cupcake Face = One HAPPY BIRTHDAY BOY!! |